Mid-2013 MacBook Air Camera Compatibility Problems

The new MacBook Air (mid-2013, released in June) has a new kind of widescreen built-in camera.
From what we've been able to determine, the camera is not compatible with older applications which rely on QuickTime because, the camera is not a UVC USB webcam. Therefore, the built-in UVC QuickTime driver is not utilized.
VirtualEyez, one of our webcam products, can open the camera using the newer camera APIs and create an older, QuickTime(tm) compatible camera output, thereby virtualizing the camera for older applications.
We've also developed a fix for our own applications. Should be ready shortly.
Labels: macbook air, virtualeyez, webcam, webcam driver
PERMALINK: http://download.b-l-a-c-k-o-p.com/2013/07/mid-2013-macbook-air-camera.html
DATE POSTED: 2013/07/29
Mid-2013 MacBook Air Camera Compatibility Problems